
face1 W1S1 [feıs] n
ear, ↑nose, ↑tooth, ↑eye
1¦(front of your head)¦
3 keep a straight face
4 pale-faced/round-faced etc
5 grim-faced/serious-faced etc
7 face to face
8 say something/tell somebody something to their face
9 face down/downwards
10 face up/upwards
11 in the face of something
12 on the face of it
13 the face of something
16 lose face
17 save face
18 disappear/vanish from/off the face of the earth
19 on the face of the earth
20 somebody's face doesn't fit
21 set your face against something
23¦(outside surface)¦
25 in your face
26 get in somebody's face
27 get out of my face
28 what's his face/what's her face
29 put your face on
[Date: 1200-1300; : Old French; Origin: Latin facies 'form, face', from facere 'to make']
the front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and mouth are
She had a beautiful face.
Her face was white with fear.
A big smile spread across his face.
I could see from the look on her face that something was wrong.
I felt like punching him in the face.
an expression on someone's face
the children's happy faces
I'll never forget my father's face - I'd never seen him so upset before.
What's the long face for?
Emma was making faces at me through the window.
Judging from her blank face , I'd say she didn't know what we were talking about.
Mr Neeson came striding towards us with a face like thunder .
David's face lit up when I mentioned her name.
Her face fell and I thought she might burst into tears.
Tom's face darkened and he turned angrily on Sam.
They were glad he was there. He could see it in their faces .
The disappointment was written all over his face .
You should have seen Gary's face when I told him I was resigning.
He had a surprised, slightly puzzled look on his face .
Sally watched him with a smile on her face .
3.) keep a straight face
to not laugh or smile, even though something is funny
4.) pale-faced/round-faced etc
having a face that has a particular shape or colour
a pale-faced youth
5.) grim-faced/serious-faced etc
showing a particular expression on your face
Negotiators emerged grim-faced after the day's talks.
6.) ¦(PERSON)¦
a person
new/different face
(=someone who you have not seen before)
There are a few new faces in class this year.
Gordon Bradley is a familiar face (=someone who you know or have seen many times before) at the Shrewsbury Flower Show.
It's the same old faces (=people who you see often, especially too often) at our meetings every week.
famous/well-known face
(=someone who is famous from television, magazines, films etc)
She looked around at the sea of faces (=lots of people seen together) in the cafeteria.
7.) face to face
a) if two people are standing face to face, they are very close and are looking at each other
meet sb/talk to sb/explain sth etc face to face
(=to meet someone and talk to them, instead of just hearing about them, talking to them on the phone etc)
Actually, I've never met her face to face.
'You could have just phoned.' 'I wanted to explain things face to face.'
come face to face/find yourself face to face with sb
(=to meet someone, especially in a way that surprises or frightens you)
At that moment he came face to face with Sergeant Burke.
The two men stood face to face without a word.
b) if you come face to face with something difficult, you experience it and have to deal with it
It was the first time he'd ever come face to face with death.
bring sb face to face with sth
Sometimes one is brought face to face with facts which cannot be ignored.
8.) say sth/tell sb sth to their face
if you say something unpleasant to someone's face, you say it to them directly, rather than to other people
I told him to his face just what I thought of him.
9.) face down/downwards
with the face or front towards the ground
Keith was lying face down on the bed.
10.) face up/upwards
with the face or front towards the sky
The body was lying face up in the rain.
11.) in the face of sth
in a situation where there are many problems, difficulties, or dangers
It is amazing how Daniels has survived in the face of such strong opposition from within the party.
12.) on the face of it
used to say that something seems true but that you think there may be other facts about it which are not yet clear
It looks, on the face of it, like a minor change in the regulations.
On the face of it, his suggestion makes sense.
13.) the face of sth
a) the nature or character of an organization, industry, system etc, and the way it appears to people
technology that has changed the face of society
Is this the new face of the Tory party?
the ugly/unacceptable/acceptable face of sth
(=the qualities of an organization, industry etc which people find unacceptable or acceptable)
the unacceptable face of capitalism
b) the general appearance of a particular place
the changing face of the landscape
the face of a mountain, cliff etc is a steep vertical surface or side
face of
He fell and died while attempting to climb the north face of Mont Blanc.
The cliff face was starting to crumble into the sea.
a sheer (=very steep) rock face
date, ↑face, ↑hand, ↑strap
15.) ¦(CLOCK)¦
the front part of a clock or watch, where the numbers and hands are
16.) lose face
if you lose face, you do something which makes you seem weak, stupid etc, and which makes people respect you less
He doesn't want to back down (=accept defeat in an argument) and risk losing face.
17.) save face
if you do something to save face, you do it so that people will not lose their respect for you
Both countries saved face with the compromise.
18.) disappear/vanish from/off the face of the earth
used to say that you have no idea where someone is and have not seen them in a very long time
I haven't seen Paul in ages; he seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.
19.) on the face of the earth
used when you are emphasizing a statement to mean 'in the whole world'
If she was the last woman on the face of the earth, I still wouldn't be interested!
20.) sb's face doesn't fit
used to say that someone will not get or keep a particular job because they are not the kind of person that the employer wants
21.) set your face against sth
especially BrE to be very determined that something should not happen
It is a shame that the local Labour Party has set its face against the scheme.
22.) ¦(MINE)¦
the part of a mine from which coal, stone etc is cut
one of the outside surfaces of an object or building
A cube has six faces.
24.) ¦(SPORT)¦
the part of a ↑racket or ↑bat etc that you use to hit the ball
25.) in your face
in yer face BrE spoken informal behaviour, criticisms, remarks etc that are in your face are very direct and often shocking or surprising
Bingham has a very 'in your face' writing style.
26.) get in sb's face
spoken informal if someone gets in your face, they really annoy you
27.) get out of my face
spoken informal used to tell someone in an impolite way to go away because they are annoying you
28.) what's his face/what's her face
spoken informal used as a way of talking about someone when you cannot remember their name
I saw old what's his face in school yesterday.
29.) put your face on informal
to put ↑make-up on
I just need to run upstairs and put my face on.
blow up in sb's face at blow up(7), put on a brave face atbrave1 (3), do sth till you're blue in the face atblue1 (4), have egg on your face ategg1 (5), ↑face-to-face,fly in the face of atfly1 (18), laugh in sb's face atlaugh1 (11), long face atlong1 (12), not just a pretty face atpretty2 (4), show your face atshow1 (15), shut your face atshut1 (2), a slap in the face atslap2 (2), be staring sb in the face atstare1 (2), a straight face atstraight2 (8), wipe sth off the face of the earth atwipe1 (8), wipe the smile/grin off sb's face atwipe1 (7), have sth written all over your face atwrite(10)
HINT sense 1
Something is on someone's face , not in their face: You've got a mark on your face.
COLLOCATES for sense 2
a long face (=an unhappy expression)
pull/make a face (=change your expression to make people laugh or to show you are angry, disappointed etc)
a blank face (=an expression that shows you do not know or recognize something)
a face like thunder (=a very angry expression)
somebody's face lights up/brightens (=they start to look happy)
somebody's face falls (=they start to look unhappy)
somebody's face darkens (=they start to look angry or threatening)
see something in somebody's face
show in somebody's face
something is written all over somebody's face (=something is obvious from someone's expression)
you should have seen his/her face spoken (=used to say that someone was very angry, surprised etc)
the look/expression on somebody's face
a smile/grin/frown etc on somebody's face
face 2
face2 W1S1 v [T]
1¦(difficult situation)¦
2¦(admit a problem exists)¦
3 can't face
4¦(talk/deal with somebody)¦
5¦(be opposite)¦
7 face the music
Phrasal verbs
 face somebody<=>down
 face off
 face up to something
if you face or are faced with a difficult situation, or if a difficult situation faces you, it is going to affect you and you must deal with it
Emergency services are facing additional problems this winter.
The President faces the difficult task of putting the economy back on its feet.
McManus is facing the biggest challenge of his career.
As the project comes to an end, many workers now face an uncertain future .
He must face the prospect of financial ruin.
be faced with sth
I was faced with the awful job of breaking the news to the girl's family.
the difficulties faced by the police
If he is found guilty, he faces up to 12 years in jail.
face charges/prosecution
(=have legal charges brought against you)
He was the first member of the former government to face criminal charges.
2.) ¦(ADMIT A PROBLEM EXISTS)¦ also face up to sth
to accept that a difficult situation or problem exists, even though you would prefer to ignore it
Many couples refuse to face the fact that there are problems in their marriage.
You've got to face facts , Rachel. You can't survive on a salary that low.
He had to face the awful truth that she no longer loved him.
Face it, kid. You're never going to be a rock star.
3.) can't face
if you can't face something, you feel unable to do it because it seems too unpleasant or difficult
I don't want to go back to college - I just can't face it .
I can't face the thought of going into town when it's this hot.
She couldn't face the prospect of another divorce.
can't face doing sth
He couldn't face driving all the way to Los Angeles.
to talk or deal with someone, when this is unpleasant or difficult for you
You're going to have to face him sooner or later.
I don't know how I'm going to face her after what happened.
The accident left her feeling depressed and unable to face the world (=be with people and live a normal life) .
to be opposite someone or something, or to be looking or pointing in a particular direction
The two men stood facing each other, smiling.
When he turned to face her, he seemed annoyed.
Lunch is served on the terrace facing the sea.
south-facing/west-facing etc
a south-facing garden
face north/east etc
The dining room faces east.
see usage notefront1
to play against an opponent or team in a game or competition
Martinez will face Robertson in tomorrow's final.
7.) face the music informal
to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done
8.) ¦(BUILDING)¦
be faced with stone/concrete etc
a building that is faced with stone, ↑concrete etc has a layer of that material on its outside surfaces
face down [face sb<=>down] phr v
to deal in a strong and confident way with someone who opposes you
Harrison successfully faced down the mob of angry workers.
face off phr v
to fight, argue, or compete with someone, or to get into a position in which you are ready to do this
The two candidates will face off in a televised debate on Friday.
face up to [face up to sth] phr v
to accept and deal with a difficult fact or problem
They'll never offer you another job; you might as well face up to it .
She had to face up to the fact that he was guilty.
COLLOCATES for sense 2
face the fact that
face facts
face the truth
(let's) face it spoken (=used when saying something that is hard for someone to accept)

Dictionary of contemporary English. 2013.

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  • face — face …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • face — [ fas ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. pop. °facia, class. facies 1 ♦ Partie antérieure de la tête humaine. ⇒ figure, tête, visage. « La face est le moyen d expression du sentiment » (Malraux). Une face large, pleine, colorée. « dans sa face rasée, ronde,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • face — FÁCE, fac, vb. III. a. tranz. I. 1. A întocmi, a alcătui, a făuri, a realiza, a fabrica un obiect. Face un gard. ♢ A procura un obiect, dispunând confecţionarea lui de către altcineva. Îşi face pantofi. 2. A construi, a clădi; a ridica, a aşeza.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Face — (f[=a]s), n. [F., from L. facies form, shape, face, perh. from facere to make (see {Fact}); or perh. orig. meaning appearance, and from a root meaning to shine, and akin to E. fancy. Cf. {Facetious}.] 1. The exterior form or appearance of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Face of a — Face Face (f[=a]s), n. [F., from L. facies form, shape, face, perh. from facere to make (see {Fact}); or perh. orig. meaning appearance, and from a root meaning to shine, and akin to E. fancy. Cf. {Facetious}.] 1. The exterior form or appearance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • face — FACE. s. f. Visage. Se couvrir la face. destourner sa face. regarder quelqu un en face. voir la face de Dieu. le voir face à face. Face, se dit aussi De la superficie des choses corporelles. La face de la terre. En ce sens on dit. en termes de l… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • face — [fās] n. [ME < OFr < VL facia < L facies, the face, appearance < base of facere, DO1] 1. the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin, and from ear to ear; visage; countenance 2. the expression of the… …   English World dictionary

  • face — ► NOUN 1) the front part of a person s head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal. 2) an expression on someone s face. 3) the surface of a thing, especially one presented to the view or with a particular function.… …   English terms dictionary

  • face — n Face, countenance, visage, physiognomy, mug, puss denote the front part of a human or, sometimes, animal head including the mouth, nose, eyes, forehead, and cheeks. Face is the simple and direct word {your face is dirty} {she struck him in the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • face — n 1 a: outward appearance b: the surface or superficial reading or meaning of something (as a document or statute) that does not take into account outside information the face of [the] deed reveals that she had two purposes in mind State v. Rand …   Law dictionary

  • Face — (f[=a]s), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Faced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Facing}.] 1. To meet in front; to oppose with firmness; to resist, or to meet for the purpose of stopping or opposing; to confront; to encounter; as, to face an enemy in the field of battle …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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